Las Vegas NV. Feb 24, 2024

Today is Dave's Birthday Eve. We decided to do one of our Vegas traditions. Olive Garden for soup and salad. We even know which bus to take and where to get off cause we went past yesterday! Only had to catch one bus.
Typical Olive Garden what made it stand out was the server. She shared that she had been at the Olive Garden for 20 years and in the restaurant game for 52 as her family has a resturant. She was like one of those great waitresses at cafes in one horse towns that you see on TV or in the movies. Molly from the Beachcombers comes to mind.  Her friendliness and banter felt  real. When we ordered beer with our early lunch she gave us  a way to go. I responded we are on holidays and besides it's almost Dave's birthday. How almost and I said it's tomorrow.  So....
Taramisu extraordinaire!!


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