Palatki&Honanki near 💀🐎 Nov 30, 23

Today we followed the road less traveled to Palatki and the even less traveled road to Honanki Historical Sites. Rough gravel roads to both but the road to  Honanki was even rougher. The toad did an awsome job. Took a licking and kept on ticking.
The landscape was awe inspiring. Pictures do it no justice...

At the sites are cliff dwellings of the Sinagua Peoples. The Sinagua were farmers growing beans, corn and squash.  
The dwellings were constructed and  inhabited from AD 1150 to 1350.  Also at these sites are petroglyphs dating from 12,000 to 20,000 years ago.


These are from a grotto which was visited for centuries or even millenia by hunter gathering Peoples before the cliff dwellings were built.
The squiggly one represents a snake and is a link to the Hopi Peoples. 
We were told that this represents a rite of passage. When the girls became of marrigable age they put their hair in a Princess Leia like do.
Quite obvious - animals and hunters.
I'm thinking the moon? 

What a day. Breathtaking landscape, phenomenal cliff dwellings, wonderous petroglyphs all bringing insights into a time before us.



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